United Nations

This portraiture campaign for the United Nations by Sydney agency Saatchi & Saatchi featured outdoor posters, print and online elements. These were combined to reinforce the message of giving a voice to those whose plight normally goes unseen and unheard.


Yellow Pencil: D&AD Advertising Awards, London
Bronze Lion:
Cannes Advertising Awards, Cannes
Bronze pencil:
The One Show, New York

Listen to me

United Nations Voices

Project Name: United Nations Voices Campaign
Client: Abdullah Mbamba, UNIC’s Director, United Nations
Creative Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Australia
Joint Creative Directors: David Nobay and Steve Back
Creatives: Vince Lagana and Steve Jackson
Print Production Manager: Joe Churchward
Agency Producer: Kate Whitfield
Photographyer: David.A.Knight
Sitter: Uncle Max


Olive Cotton Award


Australian National Portrait Gallery